Is this sailor-girl month at SCORELAND? First Felicia Clover, now Bea Summer. Bea of Germany is nowhere near a boat or water. Not even a shower room. So what's the deal with the naughty nautical costume in a piano room?
"I wore this at costume parties and I wanted to see how it looks in pictures," Bea explained. "Not phone pictures, professional pictures. I think I look sexy." Agreed. Her shapely body floats our boat no matter how she's decked out.
Bea has a novel way of tickling the ivories as you'll see mid-way through this photo-spread. When we asked her if she'd like to lay down on an organ, we didn't mean photos 72-to-75. We're still asking her if she'd like to try making a nice video with a real organ but for now, her big fat toy will do. Our patience is infinite.
See More of Bea Summer at SCORELAND.COM!
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