Kim (Asa Akira), reeling from the unexpected separation from her husband David (Brad Armstrong), moves into a new place. Her neighbor Shane (Damon Dice), immediately introduces himself and begins to help her out around the house. Despite the difference in age, the attraction between them quicklyintensifies until Kim finds it impossible to resist his charms. Still not quite ready to give up on her twelve year marriage and her stepdaughter, Kim decides to break it off with Shane and try to forgive her husband. This is when things take a turn for the worse and Kim discovers Shane's intentions aren't so neighborlyafter all.
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Kim (Asa Akira), reeling from the unexpected separation moves into a new place. Her neighbor Shane (Damon Dice), immediately introduces himself and begins to help her out around the house.
Stars: Damon Dice Asa Akira
Categories: High Definition Feature Big Tits
Scene Number: 3
Orientation: Straight
Studio Name: Wicked Pictures