Stacy is the go-to brown sugar girl for many a neighborhood dude. Truck drivers, delivery guys, meat-packers, mechanics and other hard-working guys who know the value of a buck and appreciate that Stacy appreciates their business. She's like the happy meal of the hooker crowd. They can fill her up fast and cheap and get on with their day once they've basted her boobs with their gonad-gravy. Most of her Johns are ordinary guys looking to get off fast. They're not out to take her away from all this. That would be a waste of time anyway. Because she likes it. She gets as much cock as she wants and gets paid for it in cash. What's not to like about selling her pussy? Stacy is a well-trusted neighborhood streetwalker. If she sees a trick with his wife or girlfriend, she doesn't acknowledge his existence for which they are grateful. She knows all the tricks of the trade, in and out of her favorite motel.