It's seconds for Martina who first made the SCORE scene in May '08. She's basically concentrated on her college studies since then. She'll be graduating soon. What does she want to do once she's out of the comfort zone of college and out in the big, bad world? A translator helped us out since Martina doesn't speak a lot of English. "I think I want to travel and see more of Europe. I want to go to Scandinavia, Spain, Germany, Italy, and France. Of course, I'll need to have enough money to do that comfortably. I may take an office job at school or in a business but that does not pay so well. I've tried dancing in nightclubs so I'll probably do that for a while. A girl can make a lot of money stripping. Once I have enough saved, I will start to visit the places I see on television." We're sure Martina will impress the locals wherever she goes.