Devin has said that her visits to the SCORELAND studio are about "getting to be the pin-up doll, getting to dress up and wear pretty clothes and make-up and high heels." When she's shopping, walking and just out and about, Devin doesn't dress boldly because she's at heart a shy girl. "I wear a lot of skirts, short tops. Not too many V-necks because I get stared at. There's that idea that if you have big breasts, you're trampy or looking for attention, but I've had them all my life! And it drives me crazy when people think because I have big boobs that I'm deaf. Guys, if I'm walking by and you say, 'Look at those tits,' I can hear you! It would be nice if you said I had pretty eyes or something." She says she doesn't care for the term "plumper." "Plumper to me sounds like hot dogs! They plump when you cook them. I'm completely okay with fat. I think when a word's really bad, you should own it and then no one can hurt you. Hey, I'm a real pretty fat girl! I do love the word voluptuous. It's beautiful and it's lovely to be described that way. Rubenesque is beautiful, too. Chunky, chubby, not so great!."