For three straight years, Sapphire was voted POY (Plumper of the Year). It's probably a run of victories that will never be equalled. Everyone loves Sapphire. We're sure that love hasn't diminished even though the voting shifted this time in favor of Samantha, Maria Moore second place and Sapphire, the three stars of My Big Plump Wedding. They got along very well during the making of this movie--Sapphire gets along well with everybody--and bridesmaids Sapphire and Maria got along especially well in their very jacktastic scene together. The size of their hooters never ceases to astonish. The comments: "Sapphire is the Queen of Plumpers! Even in clothes, she is too hot to handle, a plump redhead with freckles is off the chain. Great body, huge boobs and a shaved snapper make my mouth water with delight and get me as hard as a rock!" "My current favourite model is Sapphire. I would love to bury my face into all that cleavage and suck on her big tit like a hungry infant." Thank you, Sapphire. We never had a PE teacher like you at our schools.