Davia's first appearance in SCORE was the August 1997 edition. Since that time, she's done it all with a few intermissions. Hardcore anal movies, the stripper circuit and she even had a role in the movie Orgazmo, made by the creators of South Park. In this SCORE Video, Davia auditions for a movie part with Sean "the producer" in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills. Sean, of course, is more interested in an opening for his cock. Davia is an adorable, busty, little nympho. He can hoist her up easy and maneuver her body into all kinds of interesting situations. Davia has a pretty good idea that the position she's applying for ends on a bed. She and Sean retreat to a bedroom where they can discuss, briefly, this great movie role...because a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Sean taps Davia's pussy and asshole, finding himself with nearly more than he can handle. When it comes to bring-the-house-down fucking, Davia is in the major leagues, taking on the most virile studs. When a chick likes to fuck with platform heels, you know you've got a wild sex-cat on your hands. Davia is also a scream queen. The slightest entry into her tight pussy or butt, makes her screams like you've never heard before. Her sonic reverberations should have shattered every window in the room. Take your vitamins and minerals with this girl.